Maybe it’s just me, but I was rather struck when seeing clips on TV of Bill & Hillary’s daughter Chelsea campaigning for her mother this week. Was it her eyes? Her hair? Her face? Nah. I couldn’t really put my finger on it as I watched a blurb on the news showing her discussing global warming with college students someplace in America, but she really made me feel… uncomfortable. I turned to my wife and said that watching her was somewhat unnerving. Then, I realized what it was. Much like Paris Hilton, Chelsea Clinton is a person I have seen in hundreds and hundreds of video clips and pictures– but until that moment,
I never heard her speak!
And when I did, well, I was rather freaked out… she sounds, naturally, EXACTLY like her mother! I know that this has nothing to do with anything, but it just seemed bizarre to realize that for someone as well known to me as Chelsea Clinton, I had never heard her voice before, despite being keenly aware of her for over fifteen years.
Perhaps that’s what that poor MSNBC reporter meant when he said,
"Doesn’t it seem as if Chelsea is sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?"
I think reporter David Shuster simply stated what’s on everybody’s minds. Now he’s in trouble for being honest…
Chelsea speaks (pic: Wikipedia)
Click here to watch a video of Chelsea talking about Darfur at a campaign event and you’ll see what I mean.