Considering Hillary’s "surprise" showing here in NH, one must have to ask whether it’s possible that, like many Republicans, Democratic voters have the war first and foremost in their minds, too? Might it be that for many of them, deep down inside, they really DON’T want to retreat and surrender from the main front in the war with Islamo-fascism?
Here’s my theory: Most Democrats BELIEVE Barack Obama when he promises to end the war and bring the troops home. On the other hand, they trust the notion that Hillary’s actually lying when she promises the same– thus, making her a "safer" bet when it comes to the future.
I believe that Democrats want "change"– but not too much. Hillary and the cast of characters that would undoubtedly make up her administration are, for the Democrats a known quantity. Could the explanation for Barack’s loss to Hillary Clinton be nothing more than Democrats choosing the devil they know over the one they don’t?