After trying several approaches that have never really caught fire in any exciting sort of way, Mitt Romney is once again opting for the "extreme makeover" in his effort to attract voters in the ongoing Republican primaries. This time, it could very well turn out that we are finally going to get the real Mitt, as opposed to the contrived candidate built around a strategy of targeting social conservatives or the one billed as the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan. Yesterday’s International Herald Tribune (IHT) has the skinny:
Amid extraordinary global financial turmoil and increasing competition among American presidential candidates to offer economic stimulus plans, Mitt Romney played what he sees as his strongest card Tuesday, focusing on the economy and displaying his business experience.
Where has he been all this time? I have long said that it was unfortunate that Mitt chose to portray himself as someone other than who he really is: A successful businessman that, when wearing the politician’s hat, tends to fall in the "moderate" area of the political spectrum. Instead, he has spent most of the campaign posing as somebody else.
To further prove my point, the aforementioned IHT article also notes
Romney has retooled his campaign to emphasize nearly 25 years of business experience.
"Retooled?" Come on– this sounds like a friggin Algore "reinvents himself to reintroduce himself to America" kind of pap! Do we really need this from our side going into what will undoubtedly be a difficult and challenging general election campaign? And then there’s this, apparently unveiling the newly retooled "homeboy from the ‘hood" version of Mitt Romney:
Romney campaigned Monday at a Martin Luther King Jr. birthday parade in Jacksonville, where he posed with a group of young African-Americans and, in an apparent reference to a 2000 hit song, jokingly said, "Who let the dogs out?" Later, shaking hands in the crowd, he said, "Oh, you’ve got some bling-bling here," a reference to the jewelry some wore.
Give me a break!
(H/T Drudge)