The present campaign has brought yet another new dimension that I find notable and not unwelcome in the least: the Christmas-specific political ad. The first I saw on TV here in the Granite State media was the Huckabee spot, which I first noticed Monday. This comes in combination, of course, with that other new facet we have been witnessing– the advent of Internet distribution of political pieces via YouTube and the like. Here is Rudy Giuliani’s "Web Holiday Video" that I find clever and tasteful. He offers the "presents" he’d deliver to Americans that should be on everyone’s Christmas wish list:
While the cynics might complain and call it the politicization of Christmas, I say, "Why not?" Instead of the usual fare that we have grown tired of watching over and over and over again in the approach to the January 8th primary day, making even the biggest fans of the political game wish it would all end, it is rather nice.