Score one for the small guy– SMALL BUSINESS guy, that is!

Vern Wuensche
Vern Wuensche in our NH studios
Vern Wuensche has joined us twice in studio during our radio program, Meet the New Press. We have written several posts about Mr. Wuenshe, a Texas businessman seeking the Republican nomination for president, finding him to be a most fascinating fellow with really good ideas. In a November piece about his proposed solution for the illegal immigration mess, I wrote
I challenge any real conservative to review Mr. Wuensche’s positions on the issues and find something you disagree with. His main issue is the judicial system and its impact on small businesses. He has a simple process of getting things done. Says Vern:
Skill in achieving a result is a practiced art. An American leader must clearly picture the desired result and then each day exercise discipline and determination to be certain he or she is moving toward it.
Mr. Wuensche has now caught the eye of Darren Garnick, who pens The Working Stiff column for the Boston Herald. Writes Garnick,

Want some foreign policy advice with those granite countertops? How about an immigration reform plan with your vanity mirrors?
Building contractor Vern Wuensche is the only kitchen and bath renovation guy on the New Hampshire Presidential Primary ballot. It’s a distinction he plays up whenever he lobbies potential voters at independently owned barber shops, hardware stores, retail outlets and coffee shops.
“The 25 million small business owners in this country really have no voice. We produce 80 percent of the jobs, but nobody really listens to us,” says the 62-year-old Texas native. “Contractors who do kitchens are the best listeners in the world.”
Reading the whole piece, and knowing Vern fairly well, having spent more personal time in conversation with him (except perhaps for Sen. McCain), than any of the other candidates, I’d say that Garnick did a nice job capturing the essence of his long-shot campaign. This is my favorite Vern quote from the piece:
 “I’m hoping to show that small business owners and regular guys can do reasonably well despite only having meager resources.”
And if anybody can do it, it WILL be a small business owner! (Yes, I’m biased!)


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