McCain’s “Man of the Year”

David Petraus
Vlad Putin
When I first heard the news that the completely irrelevant (in my mind, anyway) Time magazine had selected Vladmir Putin as it’s once important (so they thought) "Man of the Year" my reaction was, "Huh? While he’s certainly gone about the usual nastiness that the Russians can always be counted upon to engage in, he’s done nothing of any great importance that I can put my finger on.
I generally don’t give a bleep about this annual pointless exercise, but in the event I did, I agree with John McCain’s words from Wednesday’s blogger conference call as quoted by Michael Goldfarb at The Weekly Standard:

Time has named Vladimir Putin as their Man of the Year and of course you know he has named his successor. We knew the puppet show was going on, we just didn’t know who the puppet was. And my nominee for man of the year would have been one David Petraeus. I think he clearly deserved it because of his success.

Indeed. Once again, McCain is right there, advocating for our US military. Say what you will, but his outspoken support for the troops and their quest for victory is unflappable. Knowing firsthand the Senator’s knowledge and obvious experience in the military arena, I can attest that his sentiment regarding Petraus isn’t some BS statement designed to impress potential voters…

Oh, and his understanding of the Russians, as reported in Goldfarb’s post is spot-on, too:

Putin is going to cause us a lot of difficulties…I don’t think it’s going to be a return to the cold war, they don’t have the population…anything that would bring around the kind of military might that they once had, even with the petrodollars….but they are trying to reassert the Russian empire…and they are going to be a thorn in our side.

Yep. This is the kind of insight that is important to me as I go about the business of picking the next Commander-In-Chief. That’s why McCain remains on the short list of who I might choose on primary day, January 8th.




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