."We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false!"
I was reminded of the above quote by the ever dark & conniving Gollum from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy when I saw the breathless subject line on the e-alert dispatched from the Rodham-Clinton campaign:
The Dirty Tricks are Starting
When you consider a note like that coming from Hillary, you might understand the confusion that such an announcement could cause. After all, wouldn’t Hillary’s supporters think that the dirty tricks should have been unleashed a long time ago? — she’s a Clinton! And then, you read on and you realize– "Oh, the dirty tricks have been used AGAINST Hillary…"
Of course, we all know that this will not stand! Only Hillary can use dirty tricks! Afer all, the presidency belongs to HER!
"It’s MINE. My Precious…"

Dear [supporter],
I wanted to let you know immediately about reports our campaign has received about possible dirty campaign tactics in Iowa and New Hampshire — and ask for your help..In Iowa, we have heard reports that Hillary supporters are getting calls that tell them incorrect caucus locations. Supporters have also told us about push polls — when they tell the pollster they support Hillary, they are given negative talking points about her and asked which attacks are the most effective..In both Iowa and New Hampshire, we have heard that Obama staffers are berating Hillary supporters on the phone with negative attacks against her..Here is one report we got from someone who received a push poll in Iowa:
I do want to let you know, Saturday afternoon, I had a phony pollster call from "an independently owned polling service" … With my first choice as Hillary and undecided 2nd choice. I was asked if I approved of the direction the country was taking. The question then shifted. "Which of these three options best defines your candidate? 1) Inconsistent on major issues. 2) A weak contender in the general election. 3) Not able to bring change to Washington." I told them I would not answer because it was not a polling question … I asked where they were calling from. Repeatedly the response was that they were calling from the United States and it was paid for by an independently owned polling firm.Here is another report from a letter to the editor in an Iowa paper:The bullying coming from some of the other Democratic candidates is childlike and not what the Democrats stand for. I even had some guy call me from the Obama camp and start bullying me over the phone when I said I supported Hillary. He started arguing and got aggressive on the phone. I did tell him his behavior was not appropriate.And here is a report from New Hampshire:When my father informed them that he was supporting Hillary they proceeded to talk to him about her failure to reform health care when she was First Lady. He said it sounded like they were reading something that was already prepared.These reports are invaluable to our campaign! It is vitally important that we know about any unethical tactics our opponents may use. And as one of our best supporters in New Hampshire, you are in the best position to keep us informed. If you or any of your family, friends, or neighbors receive negative push poll calls or any misleading information about the election, please contact our New Hampshire headquarters immediately to let them know. Here is contact information:New Hampshire for HillaryThank you for helping us make sure this election is a fair one, and for everything you do for Hillary..Sincerely,.
Patti Solis Doyle
Campaign Manager
Hillary for President
Now really, doesn’t it all sound somewhat contrived? "I even had some guy call me from the Obama camp and start bullying me over the phone." Wow! He even had the courtesy to conveniently identify himself. Is it possible, like it was implied on the Republican side, that the "victim" here could very well be the perpetrator? If a black guy in a firehouse can plant a noose and threatening note alleging some imaginary wrong against himself, couldn’t Clinton operatives, watching her poll numbers decline, effect the same sort of scheme in an effort to garner sympathy? I have no proof to back any of this up, except for the fact that we’re talking about the Clintons…