Writer’s strike hits home for Clinton campaign…

Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton.Bill Clinton

Rerun time for Bill Clinton?

Apparently the ongoing Hollywood writer’s strike has managed to even affect the Hillary-Rodham Clinton presidential campaign. In a story from Boston.com about Bill Clinton’s trip here to the North Country on Friday, AP writer Holly Ramer writes,
Former President Clinton did not mention NAFTA specifically on Friday, but criticized the Bush administration for not enforcing trade agreements strictly enough.
He blamed the north country’s economic woes on Bush’s "radical experiment in extremism in domestic policy," including a tax cut for the wealthy that is being paid for by borrowing money from other countries.
"As a result we don’t enforce our trade laws anymore," he said. "Why? When’s the last time you got tough on your banker?"
Clinton asked the audience to picture themselves marching into their bank president’s office and slapping him or her.
"Think you’d get a loan the next day?" he said. "We’re laughing, but this is serious."
The video in the VLog below was shot on July 13th of this year. About 50 seconds in, you’ll hear the same lame, (and completely off-base) simplistic attempt at humor. Writing for the Concord Monitor on last week’s campaign stop and noting the same "joke", Sarah Liebowitz tells us Clinton started out saying,
"I’d rather just sort of talk to you today and not give some sort of a big whoop-de-do speech" – and proceeded to deliver, without notes, a 50-minute-long address.
Heh. I wasn’t there, but I wonder how much was the same as the meaningless pap in the vid. You’d think a former president would have more important (and intelligent) things to say. It’s amazing to me that people swallow this crap…


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