Why I love the new era of politics…

Hillary Clinton…Rhymes with?
The greatest and most earth-changing factor to hit politics since the TV is the affordable handy-cam. Unless a candidate is in the bathroom, (and even at that, you wonder…) there is almost nothing that happens that doesn’t end up getting recorded in some fashion or other. Instead of hearing some other person’s accounting of this or that, we get our own view, and get to decide for ourselves how to interpret some piece of news. And so it is with this video of John McCain. While the woman asks him a somewhat vulgar question (or is it truthful, to a fault?), we can see how he calmly deals with it in proper fashion, with a touch of humor, and never getting the slightest bit rattled. Just imagine how the media would have reported this without the video?
Oh, and notice how McCain managed to answer the question, anyway? Refering to the poll that shows him ahead of Ms. Rodham-Clinton, he, for all intents and purposes, says,  "Nominate me– I’m the one that can beat the bleep!" Smooth. Very smooth. I love it!!!


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