Complaint filed with FEC against Clinton campaign over fundraising methods. It’s deja-vu all over again again…

…..Culture of Corruption…..Hillarycash
This weekend on Meet the New Press, we had the pleasure of interviewing Matt Margolis (Blogs for Bush) and Mark Noonan (GOPBloggers), co authors of the excellent unmasking of today’s Democratic Party, The Caucus of Corruption: The Truth about the New Democratic Majority. The purpose of their appearance wasn’t to talk about the book, although it was certainly mentioned. No, Margolis and Noonan joined us to talk about their most recent project: taking the Hillary Clinton campaign to task for the latest round of finance law violations that have come to light.
You know part of the story: Norman Hsu donated tens of thousands of dollars to Clinton and others via a systematic method using poor Asian-Americans in what is best described as a "money-laundering" scheme designed to flout limits on what individual donors can give. (Go here, here, and here if you need to further refresh your memory)
"But Doug, she said she was going to return the money. And besides, surely the government has investigated, right? They would know if she broke the law!" Well, not really, according to Matt Margolis and Mark Noonan, who told us Saturday that, incredibly, if nobody files a complaint, the authorities take no action on their own, which is why the pair of conservative bloggers have filed a formal complaint about Hillary Clinton’s shady fundraising practices with the Federal Election Commission. One point to keep in mind– the complaint involves NOT the now-familiar Hsu donations, but other ADDITIONAL ones that, while separate, closely resemble the same pattern.
In a post at Hugh Hewitt’s blog on, Patrick Ruffini writes of their action:

On the heels of the Norman Hsu scandal, the Clinton campaign was rocked by questions of even more Hsu-like shakedowns in connection with a $380,000 fundraiser in New York which saw contributions ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 from cooks and dishwashers. At least one donor admitted to being an illegal immigrant. Another said she was illegally reimbursed for her contributions. Others said they felt pressured to give. Unlike the Hsu cash, Hillary’s campaign has yet to return the bulk of this tainted money. This complaint brings these charges into a formal FEC process. The Clinton campaign will have 15 days to respond and publicly defend itself from charges of illegal campaign fundraising."

This will be interesting to see if it goes anywhere. You would think that, for all the handwringing the busybodies have engaged in over the horror of money in politics, this would be something they would jump all over. Apparently, the "dangerous" mix of politics with money is only of concern when it involves Republicans. Click here for part 1 of our interview with Margolis and Noonan, here for part 2, or use the handy players below:

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Blogs for Bush posts on this here, here, here,and here.


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