Today’s Boston Herald lands one right on Mitt Romney’s jaw regarding a couple of statements made by him in Sunday’s Fox News GOP debate, where, again, he claimed to the only true Republican.
Yes, former Gov. Mitt Romney was once again trying to stake his claim to being the “real Republican” in the race. Well, no question Romney’s positions on issues have evolved since his 1994 race against Sen. Ted Kennedy. Fine. In this bluest of blue states we understand how that happens..But the one thing we will not let the former governor do is to rewrite history.
Click here to read the refresher course about Mitt on taxes and his health care claims. My guess is we’ll be hearing a lot more from this point forward about his Massachusetts record, which, as a NH neighbor able to watch somewhat closely, never really impressed me or anyone that I know.
Another bit of historical perspective I would add is that a "real" Republican wouldn’t have effectively and completely disappeared from the state scene as rapidly as then Gov. Romney did, once the decision was made for a presidential bid. I recall commenting at the time that Romney never did so much as lift a finger to help set the stage for a worthy replacement, thus all but assuring Massachusetts a Democrat governor– Although that fits with Mitt’s occasional support for Democratic candidates, I suppose.
One more change of history that struck me during Sunday’s debate was Mr. Romney’s invocation of Ronald Reagan’s name and legacy once again. It puzzles me that he continues to do this, given his total denial and dissing of Ronald Reagan in this video. In fact, it BOTHERS me…