The McCain campaign has just released a new ad that surely can’t miss. Using a clip from Sunday’s Fox News Channel Republican debate, the Arizona Senator makes the case against Hillary Clinton bigtime. This thirty second clip sums up her big-spending habits in a fashion that anybody can understand and grasp– in a such a way that can’t be denied. The added inclusion of McCain’s personal history of being in captivity as a POW makes it that much more powerful. I’d love to hear Hillary’s response to this one…
Man, when he assured everybody some time back that he might be down, but was definitely not out, he wasn’t lying. In an era of hyper media like that in which we live, the ability to craft a message that sticks and stands out from the rest is something that has the potential to reap huge rewards. This ad will be well received here in frugal New Hampshire, no doubt. John McCain, the Energizer Bunny of the ’08 campaign, just doesn’t stop…