Where is the outrage? Shouldn’t this matter?

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton- Dirty Money? Heh! What’d ya expect?
campaign cash.Al Gore campaign cash
            Democrat Campaign Donor                              Collecting campaign $$ for Clinton/Gore
I really don’t get it. I remember not very many years back when b*tching about all the money in politics was quite in vogue– You know, when the Republicans were the champs in the fundraising department. That was then. Before new "campaign finance reform" laws "fixed" all that. Now, as long as it’s Democrats, everything is fine.
I’m not going to re-tell the details of the most recent Democrat/Clinton Norman Hsu fundraising scandal in this post, when you can go here, here, and here for the skinny. Suffice it to say that the splatter has even landed here in the Granite State on Gov. Lynch and the NH Democratic Party, which is detailed here and here— Two thousand bucks for Gov. Lynch and five grand for the party.
Over the weekend, ‘Grok reader and friend Allison sent a link to this spread sheet detailing the many donations that Mr. Hsu has made to Democrats. This particular story has been in the news for some time now, but this was the first time I had seen the entire history and accounting of what took place, dollar by dollar, donor by donor. I challenge anybody to look at this and not come away wondering why more has not been made of what is quite obviously a systematic, organized scheme to work around federal campaign finance laws. Notice the list is a who’s who of prominent Dems that includes many other of that party’s big guns, including Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama, Patrick Kennedy, Barbara Boxer and (!!) Eliot Spitzer.

Other than here in the Blogosphere, can anybody find someone that’s properly outraged about this? Doesn’t anybody care? Would it matter only if this was a Republican scandal?


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