NH Republican Party Chair not pleased with Fred Thompson.

Fergus Cullen…..Fred Thompson
              NH GOP Chair Fergus Cullen (GG file photo)                         Fred Thompson
Following up on yesterday’s post about Fred Thompson’s long, almost tiring flirtation with a run for the Republican nomination, it appears that he is finally ready to announce his official start next Thursday– a day AFTER the next NH GOP Presidential debate Wednesday night. This has left more than one pundit and observer scratching their heads. Why not get in and start having a debate with his opponents a day earlier? Is he afraid of something? And what does this say about his attitude towards the Granite State’s primary? It’s no secret Fred has spent little to no money here, and put  no campaign efforts into play to speak of, either.
This hasn’t set too well with NH’s Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen. In an interview with frequent MTNP radio show guest Jen Rubin posted at the American Spectator’s AmSpecBlog, Cullen, apparently rather worked up over the whole chain of events, said
We try to communicate and we certainly told them of the debate. If I sound frustrated I am." He repeated that if Thompson changed his mind and became an official candidate before the debate the GOP would accommodate him. Cullen stated, "I do hope they reconsider." He continued that it appeared that Thompson "deliberately" timed his entry "to avoid participating in this event."
I think Fergus is spot-on about this. Jen further reports
Cullen explained that there is "genuine interest in his campaign but he doesn’t seem serious." He then referred to the NH Union Leader article yesterday which he says "summed up" how voters in New Hampshire feel. He ended by saying that Thompson’s failure to appear says to voters "we’re not ready to talk issues substantively."
This taken on top of reports that Fred’s few appearances have left attendees underwhelmed could combine to paint a picture of a candidate whose reality is different from the hype.
Here are a couple questions to ponder:
–Will Fred Thompson run a "non campaign" campaign here in NH? Like those choosing to "skip" the Ames Iowa poll?
–Are his actions, in general, harming NH’s first in the nation primary status?

–Are we at a point in time yet where a "virtual" campaign can be conducted here in NH, or anywhere else?
NOTE: Jennifer will be with us on MTNP radio today to talk about this…


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