McCain spent two days campaigning here before the debate at the University of New Hampshire. Reporters we’ve talked with say he is his old self again. Freed from the constraints of a national campaign and rejuvenated by direct interaction with New Hampshire voters, he has found renewed vigor and energy.
In addition, McCain is still interacting with those of us here in New Media as well– not that he had stopped, mind you (his fortunes might have sagged, but you couldn’t tell based on his cyber-campaign, which stayed strong and functional). Yesterday, we participated in another "bloggers conference call" with McCain, and can report that he sounded as spirited and upbeat as I’ve ever heard.
At the onset, he came out swinging, calling on the Democrats, and Hillary Clinton in particular, to repudiate the ad sponsored by the left wing group Moveon.org that ran on the day of Petraeus’ Congressional testimony. McCain denounced the ad that accused the General of somehow betraying his country with his testimony, saying it
"Impugns the integrity of a decent American. That is wrong."
Whether you’re supporting McCain for the nomination or not, you cannot say he doesn’t do right by the men and women of our armed forces. Nobody defends them and their mission more vehemently than he does. He readily admits that his absolute support of the latest Iraq strategy might cost him politically, but feels success in the war trumps everything.
I couldn’t agree more. I believe that McCain’s present work in support of the war effort are of paramount importance as we try to win the thing. Leadership is what’s needed the most at this present moment. One could make a case that, right now, McCain is doing what President Bush seems unable to do– rousing some enthusiasm and understanding among ordinary people about the importance of finishing the Iraq piece of the war on OUR terms. It might be risky– staking his entire campaign on staying and finishing the war, but that’s what these kinds of elections are all about. Big ideas of national concern.
I will do another post about the call in the next day or so. There were many great questions, and really good answers. The other candidates should look to this man for a demonstration of what total, unfettered access is all about. I will be travelling this afternoon with McCain on his famous bus as he brings the "No Surrender Tour" here to New Hampshire.
I’ll be keeping a sharp eye because, as Matt Lewis of Townhall.com asked,
People have noticed you’re doing well now.Do you have your mojo?
"A precursor to support is attendance at the town hall meetings. Americans are just starting to focus."