I heard the first shots at Hillary Clinton & Moveon.org’s mistreatment of General Petraeus from John McCain during a bloggers’ conference call earlier this week. You know the story– about the "General Betray-us’ full page ad in the New York Times the day he testified before Congress. The same day that Hillary accused him of lying with her "suspension of disbelief" comment. McCain’s open and unambiguous condemnation was quickly followed by most of the other Republican Presidential wannabees. Fred did it in Florida. Mitt Romney, on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" said
"I frankly don’t understand why Hillary Clinton hasn’t repudiated MoveOn.org at this point. And I’m afraid the truth is that MoveOn.org has purchased the Democratic Party, if you will. That it’s funding, and the status of this 527, and the voice it has in the Democratic Party is so powerful that it’s now calling the shots. And that Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama and John Edwards are afraid to repudiate an ad and an organization which has taken a disgusting course against a great American."
And of course, Rudy Giuliani landed a right hook with an ad in the New Times of his own slamming the Democrats, Hillary in particular, for what they said and printed about Petraeus. It’s now one of the stories making the rounds of the Blogosphere ansd cable news channels in a big way. I can only say that
Finally– Republicans on the offense. Taking shots at the Democratic opponents. Defending themselves and their positions. Pointing out the many points on which they are oh-so-very wrong. There is no way Republicans will have a chance at winning next November if they don’t get in the game. Watching the upper tier candidates on the Republican side using the bully pulpit and the message delivery tools at their disposal with great vigor is inspiring indeed. Hopefully this will begin at the local level as well.
Here’s Rudy’s latest salvo in our "war" with the Democrats and their standardbearer. Some call this an "attack ad." Others, like me, call it pointing out the truth that might otherwise go unreported or remembered.:
What is starting to happen now is a race among Republicans as to who can whack the opponent Dems the hardest– instead of each other. I like it when Democrats get exposed for all to see. A lot! Or, on second thought, maybe not… After all, would we want really want to see the “emperor” (Hillary) without any clothes? What am I talkning about? Of course we do! What were YOU thinking? 😉