With Fred Thompson’s looming "official" entry into the Republican contest seemingly sucking up all the oxygen from rest of the existing field this week, along comes news about a potentially similar situation on the other side of the aisle…
From Draft Gore New Hampshire comes this press release just minutes ago:
Draft Gore Petition Nets More Than 1000 NH Voters
(Littleton, New Hampshire) – More than 1000 New Hampshire voters have signed a petition asking former Vice President Al Gore to enter the New Hampshire primary..The draft Gore petition drive is being conducted this summer by volunteers from Draft Gore New Hampshire, a non-partisan, statewide grassroots organization based in Littleton.."The results of our petition drive indicate that there is a strong undercurrent of support for Al Gore in New Hampshire which is not reflected accurately in polls or in the opinions of visiting out-of-state media pundits," according to Farrell Seiler, statewide coordinator of the organization..Draft Gore New Hampshire is not supported, endorsed or affiliated with, or authorized, by Al Gore, or any candidate or political campaign, says Farrell Seiler, state coordinator..The petition is being circulated at picnics, campaign events, fairs, and parades this summer and will continue throughout the fall.."The success of our July and August petition campaign shows that Granite State voters yearn for a strong, experienced world-class leader to run for president," says Seiler who is chairman of the New Hampshire Wind Energy Association..Without being an official candidate, polls already give Gore between 8%-32% of the New Hampshire primary vote..But polls this early can be very deceptive, says Seiler. "No one knows how strong the support really is for any of the announced presidential candidates." Today’s poll popularity, says Seiler, "is no predictor of tomorrow’s electability.".An analysis of the registration of 400 of the draft Gore petition signers reveals that 45% are undeclared, 36% are Democrats, 11% are Republicans..Relying on petition signers, Draft Gore New Hampshire is setting up steering committees in all New Hampshire counties. The group already has active volunteers in 36 targeted vote-rich towns and is adding more towns and volunteers each week..These volunteers are identifying Gore supporters, databasing voter lists, setting up telephone banks-preparing to turn out thousands of Gore supporters on Primary Day..When Al Gore announces officially, says Seiler, "We’ll roll."
I have previously taken note of a possible Gore candidacy here, here, here, and here. It has been my stated belief that if AlGore joins the race, I fear he will become the next president. Are we witnessing the beginning of my prediction coming true? With news reports about rank and file Dems being uneasy at the prospect of a Hillary nomination, and Obama appearing not quite ready for prime time, will they flock to Gore in the event he jumps in? I can very well imagine a Gore/Obama ticket might be the answer to the Democrats’ present wariness…
I have previously taken note of a possible Gore candidacy here, here, here, and here. It has been my stated belief that if AlGore joins the race, I fear he will become the next president. Are we witnessing the beginning of my prediction coming true? With news reports about rank and file Dems being uneasy at the prospect of a Hillary nomination, and Obama appearing not quite ready for prime time, will they flock to Gore in the event he jumps in? I can very well imagine a Gore/Obama ticket might be the answer to the Democrats’ present wariness…
Why am I wrong?