Fred Thompson in NH (GG file photo)
Wow! I got up this morning and, as I do everyday, fetched my Union Leader and began to read. When I got to the editorial page, there was a column by George Will, and another by Robert Novak. To put it mildly, they both paint a rather unflattering picture of Fred Thompson’s short tenure as "candidate" Thompson. My sense is that there are a lot of people around the Granite State this morning nodding their heads in agreement. Unless something that’s hugely awe-inspiring happens soon, Will’s "New Coke" analogy could go down in presidential campaign lore as the symbol of the fastest crash and burn ever turned in by a major political figure.
Maybe Fred ought to rethink his thumbs-down to Huckabee for a Lincoln-Douglas debate here in NH–It might be the only chance he’s got here in New Hampshire to revive the magic that seemingly existed prior to his entry to the campaign…
No matter what unfolds, the ‘Grok will continue to track things as they shake out. My personal take is that it’s a little early to write him off. All campaigns are a little rough around the edges at the beginning. Unfortunately for Fred Thompson, the means and timing of his joining the fray brought an unprecedented level of scrutiny from day one. Future students of campaigns might want to note this as being one of the cons to waiting out the other, earlier players.
For now, Mr. Thompson needs to get out and fill those big shoes that he and his team created…