Democratic presidential wannabee Barack Obama visited Laconia, NH today– right here in the ‘Grok’s backyard. Thanks to the very friendly and helpful folks in the campaign, we were afforded full media access and a great spot to shoot some video. Like McCain, this campaign really has its act together in the logistics and organization departments. The event appeared to function like a well-oiled machine. I’ll put some general written thoughts and observations a post to follow. For now, I thought I’d focus on bringing two specific clips to your attention.
This first one deals with the subject of national defense. In answer to a question about the power of the military over the government, Mr. Obama laid out an overview of his thoughts on defending America, the war in Iraq, and how much danger he believes we as a Nation currently face. One point he makes that I vehemently disagree with him on is his characterization of the severity of the present threat posed by terrorism and radical Islam. The vid runs about 4 and a half minutes…
Keep watch for another YouTube featuring the Senator speaking about illegal immigration. I actually agreed with most of what he had to say. Stay tuned…