Ted Nugent. Solving illegal immigration. It’s so easy. Really.


As I’ve noted in the past, not only is the Nuge one of my long-time favorite guitar players, he also happens to be on the right side of many of the issues of the day. The last time we checked with Ted Nugent, he was dishing common-sense talk about guns and who should be carrying them. Now, it’s illegal immigration.

Ted Nugent


Appearing late last week on Your World with Neil Cavuto, Ted Nugent weighed in on the current mess that is illegal immigration.
The answer is so simple, it’s stupid. I’ve secured my stage, Neil. I’ve secured my home. I’ve secured my fishing pond. I secured my swamp. And I’m just a guitar player. I don’t let any unauthorized penetrators into my secured area. And it really is that simple.
We’ve got a real bunch of real warrior-heroes in Border Patrol. In ICE. In law-enforcement all along our southern borders– and northern borders. JUST LET ‘EM DO THEIR JOB! Cut the big dogs loose. Let ’em enforce laws. That’s not novel. That’s logic unless you’re a bureacratic chimp!
Exactly. We don’t need any new "comprehensive" laws to stop what is already illegal. Just give the proper authorities the tools they need to do the job. In addition, we should clamp down on employers that provide the illegal jobs that attract many here in the first place. Ted, writing in his regular column for the Waco Tribune-Herald has the answer. In a June 10th piece entitled, "Immigration Solution? Just use some common sense", he writes:


It would start with fingerprints and an IIC.

That’s an immigrant identification card.
The I.D. would be for foreigners who seek to live in, work in or become citizens of the United States. That’s if I were writing the immigration laws. It would include the reciting and signing of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and denouncing any and all allegiances to other countries.
Ted’s plan includes other common sense points, but this particular part gets to the root cause of what attracts the illegal workers: those hiring them.
Employers would have to ensure that persons they hire for any level of pay have a valid IIC.
An employer who hired a person without a valid IIC would be fined $100,000 per non-documented worker and would face two years in jail for each undocumented worker he or she employed.
Developing, manufacturing, procuring or otherwise possessing invalid or fake IICs would be a felony with a fine of $100,000 for each false IIC and two years in prison for each fraudulent IIC.
Between that and proper border enforcement, we can fix the problem through attrition. No big roundups–I would add a promise of free one-way transport out of the country to any destination persons choosing to exit wish to get to. The problem didn’t just appear overnight, and the solution won’t fix it that quick, either. That avoids a massive shock to large numbers of people.
These solutions are really no-brainers when you get right down to it. It is puzzling why so many politicians don’t see it in the same way. The only conclusion on can draw from this is that they don’t want to actually fix the problem at all.
Here is the YouTube of Ted’s appearance with Cavuto. As usual, it’s worth watching the Motor City Madman- turned Texan in action. His simple common sense and logic is something we can all learn from… and enjoy, too.


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