Thursday’s dead-tree version on the Union Leader newspaper had the good news:
Sen. Judd Gregg is leading a push to resurrect a portion of last month’s failed immigration reform bill that would tighten security along the nation’s southern border.
Good for Senator Gregg! I have said many times during the weeks of debate and argument over the so-called "comprehensive " immigration bill that there were many good points to it– they just need to be considered separately. People were wise to the fact that a whole lot of bad provisions were mixed in with the good. And besides, as Gregg is quoted as saying in the Scott Brooks piece:
"The American people will not move forward… in the area of comprehensive immigration reform until they are confident that we have regained control over our borders."
What the amendment, which at the time of this writing has passed, does, is add monies for additional border agents, fences, and other measures designed to finally secure our border with Mexico. The amendment was, rightfully, added to the homeland security apprpriations bill currently in the Senate. I like it when a politician actually listens to the people. It sounds like Judd has gotten the message from the recently ended "shamnesty" bill. Apparently he’s not alone. Reports the Concord Monitor:
The Senate overwhelming approved a border security amendment today that was written by Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H.