A question for NH Reagan Network

At the CNHT picnic this past weekend, I picked up a brochure from the NH Reagan Network off a table and stuffed it into my folder of "goodies" from the various causes and organizations participating in the event.
I have now had a chance to look over the NH Reagan Network brochure. It says, in part,
Our mission is to advocate and advance the principles of the New Hampshire Republican Platform in the spirit of Ronald Reagan.  We will preserve and protect these principles by encouraging citizens who believe in the core values of the Platform–low taxes, less government, personal responsibility, family values and personal liberties—to run for legislative office in the Republican Primary.
I agree with that. Let’s toss the bad Republicans out in a primary. That’s exactly how it should happen. In addition, the pamphlet notes
Potential Candidates who meet the criteria of the NH Reagan Network will also have the opportunity to attend campaign and issue training academies.
Obviously they are not just taking anybody who shows up– they will be quite discerning as to who qualifies for their help. So what do you suppose some of the standards a "NH Reagan Network Republican" ought to uphold? Helpfully, the NH Reagan Network lists ten "priciples to think about" that presumably reflects their litmus test. This one in particular, Number 10, caught my eye:

X. Transparency and Accountability in Government- 

Hmmm. Given that the many members of the Belknap County Convention, who we are suing for Right-to-Know law violations, (using a secret paper ballot while in open session, which is specifically not allowed) are Republicans, this must mean that, because of the fact that at every step of the Sheriff replacement process, this bunch chose closed doors over sunshine, the NH Reagan Network must be seeking primary challengers for everyone, right?
While at the CNHT picnic, I ran into NH Reagan Network founder Representative Fran Wendleboe, a member of the very same Belknap County Convention we are suing in Superior Court over Right-to-Know law violations. While she was not present during the meeting where the secret ballot was, in our opinion, illegally used, she was at prior meetings where questionable "non-public" sessions were held.  I asked her about the Right-to-Know law violation flap and the County Convention:
Why can’t these people, especially the Republicans, just automatically default in the direction of transparency and openness when questionable "grey areas" (their claim, not mine) arise? Why do they circle the wagons?
I then asked the NH Reagan Network leader:
Don’t you agree that this action, if unchanged, has turned our lawMAKERS into lawBREAKERS?
She shrugged and walked away.
A long time friend has an old saying he likes to repeat:

Silence is concurrence.

Will the NH Reagan Network, believing in "transparency and accountability in government" come to our aid in this matter? I sure hope so.



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