Hodes, Shea-Porter: When they’re not harming our troops, they’re helping lawbreakers…

Sanctuary map


A regular reader dropped us a note expressing his displeasure with a particular vote cast by NH’s two Democrat members of the House of Representatives. Unfortunately for all of us, Cong. Paul Hodes and his fellow left-wing sidekick Cong. Carol Shea-Porter are simply doing the bidding of their liberal masters– the Pelosi wing and the Moveon.org crowd. Based on their record thus far, it seems no amount of criticism and complaint will deviate them from the "destroy America as we know it" path they’ve chosen…
Saw this today and thought you might find it interesting that BOTH Hodes and Shea-Porter voted against this portion of HR 2638 (Tancredo Amendment).  It’s Roll Call 485 from Friday’s session if you need to look it up:

H.AMDT.294 (A045)
Amends: H.R.2638
Sponsor: Rep Tancredo, Thomas G. [CO-6] (offered 6/15/2007)
AMENDMENT PURPOSE: An amendment numbered 7 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit funds to be used in contravention of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.  
What this basically means is that the Amendment Tancredo submitted (and which passed at least in the House) is that any so-called "sanctuary city" which harbors illegals would not receive DHS funding for 2008.
Some of those cities include such places as Phoenix, Los Angeles, New Haven, CT, Cambridge, MA, but even such places as Portland ME, Salt Lake City, and Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  Fortunately, no cities or town in NH are currently listed (per OJJPAC), but how long will it be until we DO have to do something about this?
Guys, this is one of the main reasons I left California–liberal policies which gave a damn about good, honest, hard-working, tax-paying CITIZENS, and gave our rights to those who crossed our borders illegally, filling our schools, prisons, hospital emergency rooms, and roads, all the while demanding more and more, which the socialists in Sacramento were all to happy to provide.
These two (Hodes and Porter) have GOT to go.  I’m not letting either one of them get away with this.
Randy R.
This amendment seems like a reasonable idea to me. If the Feds can deny federal monies to states for things like a lack of seatbelt laws and such, why not in the area of homeland security? Why dole out government bucks to combat terror threats to communities that openly refuse to enforce laws that are obviously related?
Looking over the roll call, many Democrats voted in favor of this measure. Why couldn’t our two NH representatives join them? Actually, none of us watching the actions of these two should be surprised. It falls in line with all the other positions these two moonbats have taken. Poor Randy– he thought he left California behind. Instead, he comes here to NH where our newly-elected Congressmen have decided to make Nancy Pelosi’s San-Fran values their guiding light. Fool the voters once…


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