It is no secret here at the ‘Grok that we are not big fans of our newly-elected congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter. Whether she’s saying America has no more heroes (Davey Crocketts), claiming we have lost the war, defending porkbarrel spending, or mistreating families and the supporters of our military, Carol Shea-Porter is an embarrasment to her constituents here in New Hampshire’s 1st congressional district. I am ashamed to say it, but MY congresswoman is completely marching in lock step with the hard-left of the Democratic Party.
The only redeeming factor I could find in Ms. Shea-Porter’s newfound life as an elected representative was her refusal to take "party money" being offered by the Democrat elites. As I said to the local Democratic city committee chairman in a recent conversation, "I at least admire the fact that, given her refusal to take campaign cash, she will remain somewhat independent."
Unfortunately, I spoke too soon. Now, courtesy of the Majority Accountability Project (MAP), comes one more story to make us here in NH-01 hang our heads even lower when the subject of our representative in Washington is brought up:
After winning praise back home for their independence by “rejecting financial assistance from their (party) leadership,” U.S. Representatives Carol Shea-Porter, D-NH1, and Nancy Boyda, D-KS2, have reversed course, taking thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Democrat leaders.
It seems that Ms. Shea-Porter’s actions were different than her words. While claiming to refuse dollars from key groups & donors related to ruling members of the Democratic Party, required FEC filings paint a different picture. Click here to read the full story by Michael Brady of the MAP. He will be a guest this Saturday on our broadcast/livestreamed radio program, "Meet the New Press" to tell us what he’s learned about Ms. Shea-Porter’s sudden change of heart about accepting campaign contributions.