This is from John Edwards’ campaign website. As you can see, he wasted no time in hopping aboard NH’s rainbow colored civil union bandwagon:
Senator John Edwards released the following statement today on New Hampshire’s recognition of civil unions.."Today, Gov. Lynch and the state of New Hampshire showed us that the idea of America — fairness, justice and equal opportunity — can become a reality when we have the courage to stand up for what is right. New Hampshire’s decision to recognize civil unions and grant gay and lesbian couples the same rights granted to heterosexual married couples is an important step in the fight for justice. This is an issue of fundamental fairness, and by passing this law, New Hampshire’s leaders chose fairness over discrimination."
While I’m not happy about the law, and can add this as yet another reason to despise the ambulance-chasing, anti-free market, Wal-Mart-o-phobic trial lawyer turned presidential wannabee, this group apparently adores Mr. Edwards. Maybe Ann Coulter was right, after all? Do I owe her an apology?