Fred heads…



Fred Thompson


As the ’08 presidential campaign moves ahead, the ongoing speculation and/or desire for a Fred Thompson entry into the GOP contest continues apace. Our friend and fellow Central NH blogger (and fill-in MTNP cohost) Chan at WeekendPundit makes no secret of his enthusiasm. I continually bump into people not necessarily political who can’t wait for Fred Thompson to join the fray. Why is this? Who is this guy Fred Thompson? If he doesn’t hurry up and make it official, won’t it be too late?
Skip, Pat, and I discussed Fred Thompson with guest Jennifer Rubin this past Saturday on the radio version of the ‘Grok, "Meet the New Press." Click the MTNP icon below to listen to the conversation. Then, tell us what YOU think by posting in the "comment" section.


Robert Novak, writing about a recent Thompson speech his latest column for the Chicago Sun Times reports not everyone is impressed. Says the veteran GOP observer of the impression it left on some audience members: It was
a performance that was a letdown for the packed audience of conservative Republicans. ”It was not Reaganesque.” ”No red meat.” ”Too low key.” That was the preponderant reaction I heard to Thompson’s half-hour presentation.
Not exacly what one would expect given the hype. Says Novak, those gathered, like
many conservative Republicans, had been unimpressed by the existing field of Republican hopefuls and envisioned Thompson as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. They did not get it Friday night.


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