Former NH state Senator Rob Boyce has sent this letter to President Bush. Put my signature on it too..
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500.
Dear President Bush,.I hate to disagree with the President but in this instance I must..In 2000 and again n 2004 I not only supported you I in fact spent more time and effort on your re-election bid than my own campaign as State Senator in New Hampshire. I hauled piles of signs to your supporters and erected dozens of 4 by 8 foot Bush / Cheney signs, and replaced them when they were vandalized. My car still sports a “Support President Bush and our troops” sticker (which has by now destroyed the paint I am certain). I still support you on nearly every subject..Here comes the “However”..However on the matter of the immigration bill now before Congress I cannot agree that those of us opposing it are spouting “empty political rhetoric”. Sealing the borders – yes! Do that, it is essential! Create a guest worker program – yes. Do that so the businesses that need the laborers can hire them legally and the workers can be here legally! But the plan to deal with the people who are here illegally by granting them “Z visas” and a “path to citizenship” no! Unequivocally no!.The major flaw is that it assumes the people who came here illegally want to be citizens and want to be Americans. It assumes they want to assimilate into our culture and learn to be good citizens. It assumes that people who broke the laws to get here will want to pay a fine and jump thru hoops to become good citizens. I ask you to show me proof that they want this.
I believe that at least a large portion of the current illegal aliens in this country have no desire to become citizens of the USA and they have no intention of assimilating into the melting pot. They will take their Z visas and ignore the fines and hoops. They will stay here, we will support them with our Medicaid, Medicare, and social security taxes. Then another horde of illegal aliens will again assault our borders because they will understand that this current amnesty plan, as have the others in the past, will be followed by yet another amnesty plan that “is not an amnesty plan”. They will also get to stay here and become legal because another congress and another President will say that “we cannot control the borders, our businesses need the workers, they do the jobs Americans won’t do … yada yada yada..The words of the supporters of this latest amnesty bill are the rhetoric, Mr. President. You can dress this pig up and put lipstick on her but she is still a pig! Amnesty is what it is. When you allow someone to break the law and be absolved of the consequences that is amnesty..This is exactly what I read the text of section 601 of the bill to mean. Immediately upon signing this bill you would be granting to virtually every person who came here illegally benefits simply for having broken our laws. The penalty – the fine – if it were ever actually imposed would only be imposed upon those who chose to pursue citizenship. If they were content to simply become legal immigrants – they would have no penalty, they would not be required to pay a fine, they would not be required to return home, they would not have to go to the back of the line of people wishing to come here legally. There would be no penalty and further – the bill grants them due process rights which would make it even harder to deport them if the other sections of this bill – the so called triggers – never happen. These due process rights would make it less likely that any of the 12 million lawbreakers here now would ever be deported and it would virtually guarantee that another wave of illegal immigrants will follow in their footsteps..This is not empty political rhetoric. This is legitimate opposition to a bill that if passed by Congress and signed by you will forever change the culture of this great country – and not for the better..Please Mr. President do not push this bill thru and do not sign it if it passes..Sincerely,.Hon. Robert K. Boyce
Former NH State Senator
Alton Bay, NH 03810
And mine,
Doug Lambert
Ordinary American
Gilford, NH 03249