**BUMPED UP*** Memorial Day? Just another campaign gimmick for Edwards. Apparently, the man has no shame…


Memorial Day parade                marching peace protesters

Traditional Memorial Day                                    John Edwards’ "Memorial Day"

[Originally posted May 21st]
There are just some things that really cross the line. First Democratic presidential wannabee John Edwards seemingly used his wife’s cancer to gain some traction for his faltering campaign. While that was just a tad discomforting to some, it was a decision made by him and his wife, something personal that at the end of the day, is certainly is their right. I suppose when you are devoid of real ideas that might cause people to vote for you, working to garner the sympathy vote is understandable. "Vote for me… I oppose cancer!" Yeah– that sounds like a winning slogan.
Anyway, the cancer deal is old hat. No, what’s really got me and many others ticked off at the  perma-coiffed Democratic hopeful is his recent call for protests against the Iraq war during Memorial Day events. According to a website set up by the trial lawyer turned politician, he is calling on Americans to "Support the troops. End the War." In one of the most shameful examples of injecting politics into areas where it ought not to be, Jonathan Edwards is asking supporters to take to the streets during this upcoming Memorial Day weekend to get involved in activities designed to promote the antiwar cause of ending the Iraq war.
As one of the items listed under the heading "10 things you can do over Memorial Weekend to support the troops and end the war" is this:
Get vocal. Buy a bunch of poster-board and markers. At a picnic or with family and friends, make signs that say “SUPPORT THE TROOPS – END THE WAR.” Bring them to your local Memorial Day parade. Many parades are held on Saturday or Sunday. If your parade is on Monday, however, we ask that you choose another action to honor the fallen. Then take a digital photo of yourself and your family or friends holding up the poster and tell us about it. We’ll include it in a “Democracy Photo Album” on our site.
In case you forgot, Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday that is observed on the final Monday of May and was formerly known as Decoration Day. This holiday commemorates U.S. men and women who have died in military service to their country. It began first to honor Union soldiers who died during the Civil War. Following World War I, it was expanded to include those who died in any war or military action. And now, in 2007, a smarmy lawyer with a fancy hairdo who wants to be president has turned it into a day for division, protest, and partisanship. Is there no bottom to the depths that Edwards and others of his ilk are willing to go to further their own ambition while tearing the Nation apart?
The following is a press release issued by the VFW in response to this shameful act endorsed by Edwards:
WASHINGTON, May 17, 2007–A website plea by presidential candidate John Edwards to encourage war protests at Memorial Day events across the country has drawn the anger of the national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.
"Memorial Day is a solemn occasion to remember the service and sacrifice of more than one million American servicemen and women who gave their lives to create our nation, to save our Union, and to help free the world from tyranny," said Gary Kurpius, who leads the 2.4 million-member VFW, the nation’s oldest major veterans’ organization and its largest organization of combat veterans.
"Memorial Day is not a time to call people to protest the war in Iraq under the guise of supporting the troops," he said. "To do so dishonors those who served, those who continue to serve, and to the families who grieve."
The candidate’s message is a link from his main website to another site that lists 10 things people can do over the Memorial Day weekend to support the troops while calling for an end to the war.
"My generation went to war with a divided country and Congress, and our nation does not need to relive that experience ever again," said Kurpius, a Vietnam veteran from Anchorage, Alaska.
"Calling for protests for political gain is not how you support the troops. You support them by ensuring they are fully trained, equipped and funded, and you ensure they and their families are taken care of every step of the way," he explained.
"To support the troops is to support what it is they do," he said, adding that U.S. troops in harms way believe the new diplomatic, economic and military strategy has a chance of succeeding.
"And if they have faith, then we, as Americans, must have faith and patience, too."

Click here to read "The Meaning of Memorial Day"  by VFW Commander-in-Chief Gary Kurpius.



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