What do you do when there’s nothing you like on the menu?

When I began to hear about the latest polling reports indicating upward movement of certain candidates of both the Republican and Democratic parties in the ’08 prez primary race, possibly reaching number three on each list — and neither are actually IN the race, I thought,

"I’m not alone in the want of someone else added to the list of people to choose from to be president."

What else would explain the somewhat sudden appearance of AlGore in the number three slot for the Dems and Fred Thompson in third for the Republicans, according to the latest USA Today/Gallup poll?

Despite previous posts expressing my agreement with Duncan Hunter on almost all of the issues and liking Giuliani for his apparent leadership skills combined with cross-party appeal, I still remain desirous of something more. And while I sometimes see the logic of a McCain nomination as perhaps the only hope for a Republican victory in 2008, the voice in my head says, "Not yet." Up until this point, my ideal candidate if the world were perfect is Newt, and yet, the world isn’t perfect, and neither is Newt, as many people often remind me. And he’s NOT in the race, officially, either.

On the liberal/ Democrat side of life, there must undoubtedly be someone like me, wistful for something more that what’s offered. Hillary? You either like her, or you get the fingernail on the chalkboard feeling. Obama? Not for a majority of Americans on election day. Edwards? Depending on his wife’s prognosis, he might not stay around. And the taste of the losing Kerry/Edwards ticket still lingers. Certainly I can empathize with my left wing counterparts feeling unsatisfied at the moment.

What else can this poll tell us? Political junkies and those who pay attention to such stuff are restless. Those newcomers to this election cycle aren’t all that excited yet over what they see. And people unengaged at all yet remain uninterested. On top of all that, with the current jockeying of states for new primary positions, the days of real voting get closer, accelerating events faster than we’ve ever seen. At the same time, long-time top-tiered candidates appear to have worn out their welcome.

Might the time be right for Fred Thompson and AlGore to ride in on white horses, side by side to save their respective parties? Things are gonna heat up real soon, I think.


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