Oy, this is pushing it a tad too far... - Granite Grok

Oy, this is pushing it a tad too far…

Just watching a clip on Fox….the LA Dept. of Sanitation wants its employees to save their food scraps under their desk in a bucket of worms.  The claim is that it will help to keep the waste out of landfills.

Now, from a biological standpoint, it makes sense.  And I have no problems with worms.  But what I would have a real problem with would be the smell.  No matter WHAT enviro-PC guy wants to tell me, I have a problem with sticking rotting food under my desk…..earthy smell my foot!

Listen, my nose doesn’t work too well…..but if there are 50 or so desks in a cube farm, I bet that even I would pick that up.  And even I didn’t, I wouldn’t want to leave the office with that smell in my clothes.  

Go ahead, defend that! 
