Then what is the point of doing this? - Granite Grok

Then what is the point of doing this?

From Little Green Footballs:

Deputy Secretary-General Mark Malloch Brown said countries needed to understand that the force wouldn’t be offensive. “It’s not going to go in there and attempt large-scale disarmament,” he said.

Let’s see, the newest UN resolution calls for all militias to be disarmed (as well as previous resolutions – they were not honored).  The Lebanese government has said that their army will not disarm Hezbullah.  Now, the UN is saying that its force, contrary to the to resolution that brought this cease-fire (notice that I did not say PEACE!).

Can someone tell me who is going to disarm Hezbullah?  Has the world collectively gotten a case of the no-want-to-see’ms about who is going to do this?  

All I can see in my mind’s eye is a group of lay-abouts shuffling their feet backwards, all mummering "er, not me", "can’t you pick on someone else this time", "somebody else’s turn" and other phrases denoting that they don’t want to own the problem.

Which is typical.  Has anyone else noticing the continuing pattern that the UN members get their knickers all in a knot when it comes to talking about and laying blame for something, but grow strangely quiet when the time for action comes nigh?

Fine.  Time to point fingers ->  Hey, EU…time to get your hands dirty.  Time to show that you are adults instead of whining teenagers (or is it pensioners – as in too feeble to do anything).  Or do you have the fortitude to be and act like adults anymore…..

If not, let Israel defend itself and do the job you cannot do anymore. 
