Percy Blakeney, Author at Granite Grok - Page 22 of 114

Percy Blakeney

"They seek him here, they seek him there, those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven or is he in hell? That damned elusive Pimpernel."

American Flag2

Proper Aspirations Under the Constitution

Americans can ask no more from their federal government than what they find in the constitution. This is the crux of the differences in our society today. The Marxists demand government control everything. Conservatives say no, that is not America’s system of government.

Biden admits his court packing position

Politics is for Congress not SCOTUS

Judge Barrett is beginning to look too clean for the usual attacks. The Socialists masquerading as Democrats’ have tried slinging mud to negligible effect. All they are doing is making themselves appear mean, hate-filled, and petty.

Portland riots 3

Socialist Neighborhood or a Capitalist Neighborhood

Do you want to live in a socialist neighborhood or a capitalist neighborhood? Our motto is E Pluribus Unum, out of many one. We’re supposed to be the United States of America. But these days not so much. We’re divided into two very different nations. There are conservative areas and there are leftist areas.

Race relations

Debate Night for the VP’s … the Virus

If you did not watch debate night for the VP’s this time you missed something. The debate was a better articulation of the Harris-Biden position than Joe was able to present. The interaction was more professional than the first Presidential debate. There did seem to be a clear winner.

Mask burning party outside Ohio city hall

We Can’t Live if We Are Always Afraid

It’s time to get over the panic and fear and get back to work. The President left the hospital the other day. He had a simple message for the American people. He said do not live in fear or let the fear of this virus “dominate” your life.


Socialists Masquerading as Democrats

President Trump’s Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) nominee is Amy Coney Barrett. Judge Barrett is a recognized legal scholar with the respect of the legal community. In addition, Judge Barrett is also a mother of seven children, two by adoption. She seems to have a pleasant personality.