Have Fake Meats Exceeded Their Shelf Life?

Following years of marketing hype proclaiming that fake meats would transform the food industry and modern diets, sobriety has descended on the industry as manufacturers wrestle with declining sales, dissatisfied customers, and difficulties achieving profitability.

The Furor Over Fake Meat

Iowa has become the latest state to signal hostility toward fake meat food products, imposing fines of up to $10,000 on manufacturers who mislabel protein-based products as meat.

Is Fake Meat a Market Failure?

A growing list of potentially intractable problems confronts the alternative meat industry, which includes both plant-based substitutes and cultured “cell-grown” meats.

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Fake Meat Always Had Fake Benefits, But Now It Has Fake Nutrition

With the rise of impossible foods like fake meat, we are getting much less than advertised. The phony meat, its fake benefits to the climate or the planet, and now, according to new research, phony nutrition.

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Fake Meat-Fraud Prediction – They’ll Market it Like COVID Vaccines and Hide What’s Bad About It.

Turning corn into fuel was a bad idea, but the politicians love their cornogrpahy. That slutty little dance they do to get lobbying groups to put cash in the campaign g-strings. I think the fake meat craze is next on the list, and Gates and Bezos are ready with fat stacks of bills in hand.

Fake “Meat” Ban Survives Court Challenge

We’re not fans of fake meat. It isn’t better for the environment, and it isn’t better for you. But we won’t tell you not to buy or eat it. We will tell you that you are being fed lies, but knock yourself out if you don’t care or are comfortable with the fantasy. Eating fake meat is … Read more

Mystery Meats for US Troops

Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Design Ecosystem (BioMADE), which has received more than $500 million in Department of Defense funding, recently announced it is soliciting proposals to develop “innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at … DoD operational environments.” Translation: The Pentagon is funding research and development of novel cell-cultured fake … Read more

Another US State Has Banned Lab Grown ‘Meat’

Cloned meat, one of several names I’ve bandied about for Lab-grown meat (mystery meat is another), is not better for the environment, it is not better for people, and it is not the future of beef in America if actual Americans have anything to say.

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Florida Bans Manufacture and Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

No compilation of urban legends would be complete without mentioning cafeteria-style mystery meat. It is shaped like meat, colored (and cooked) like meat, but would it stand up to even casual scrutiny? Stories about schools saving money by cheating out on food were spurious at best. Schools don’t try to save money.

Climate Cult Want’s Warning Labels on Meat – I Have a Better Idea.

Human beings need the proteins in meat, but the Climate Cult, hand-in-hand with the animal rights loons, has been pushing an anti-meat crusade for years. From fake meat to lab-grown meat – both worse for the environment, to this new idea they’ve stumbled upon.

Data From 175 Countries Says, Eat Meat, Live Longer!

The USDA is almost entirely responsible for obesity in America. That’s the thing where men are overweight. When it’s women, we call it body positivity, if we call it anything, but that’s a rose by any other name. Carrying extra weight is bad for longevity and lowers quality of life. The USDA blames meat.

Isn’t This The Best Plant Based Meat “Factory” in the World?

I went to Chunky’s last week. The chairs are comfortable and adjustable, but the food is lousy – cute movie-themed names for menu items but not the best. One of the “burgers” was named the To Infinity and Beyond burger, made with – you guessed it – Beyond Beef.

We Should Call Lab Grown Meat, Cloned Meat – Or Better Yet, Mystery Meat.

We’ve written about Lab Grown meat and plant-based products pretending to be meat. Their carbon footprint is larger. It costs more than the real thing. And while plant-based fake meat’s nutritional claims are spurious, with cloned meat, they are a mystery.

steak is plant based meat

Vegans Are Made of Meat and They Are Bad for The Planet

A not-so-old adage says cows eat grass; therefore, steak is plant-based meat. I was reminded of that last week when someone was talking to me about some vegan encounter of the third kind—the COIVD-era equivalent of a food Karen.

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Impossible Meat Problem “If It’s Patented, It Can’t Be Natural, and If It’s Natural, It Can’t Be Patented”

Impossible foods are having an impossible week in the impossible EU over their Impossible burger. The European Patent Office (EPO) has revoked the Impossible patent.

Palate Cleanser / DISQUS Doodling – “We have the meats!” even when it is a vegetable

And once again, TreeHugger proves that the eco-socialists, whose only lens is a distorted eco-apocalypse all the time, have no sense of humor.  They’ve been all agog about the meatless hamburgers that are being rolled out and brook no dissent that within 20 years, no one will eat cows.  And then Arby’s comes along! And … Read more

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True Cost Food Accounting: Adding Up the Ecological Cost of Groceries

There is a certain moral appeal to a system of pricing for consumer goods that incorporates the pollution costs involved in their production. Under such a system, in addition to the commercial “input costs” a producer paid to make a product, a fee for the toxins, water use, soil damage, or other environmental costs would … Read more

How the Federal Government Seeks to Control Our Food Supply

Food prices are climbing, but soon will soar — inflation is ensured due to recent massive spending. As Americans are pushed to consume artificial meat as a solution to the alleged environmental impact of cow farts, the government seeks to expand its techno-monitoring, in the name of “health and safety,” by requiring the RFID chipping of all livestock. The argument is … Read more

When Guano was Gold

Improvements in agriculture have economically and culturally nurtured some of the greatest leaps in human advancement: many of those have related to crop fertilizers, which humanity has long known improve crop yields by nurturing soils. It is vitally important to understand the central role of soil health in human well-being, for both the soil and … Read more

Online Event: Attack on Food and Farmers Symposium

I am excited to share an upcoming online panel presentation about food supplies, health, and various ways to stay informed and fight back against those who seek to control our food supplies. I will be speaking on both days as part of this broad discussion that includes informed perspectives from Joel Salatin, Robert F. Kennedy, … Read more