The primary election that will be held in Windham, NH, tomorrow (9/13/22) has the rare and dubious distinction of having a state-appointed election monitor to ensure all election laws and procedures are properly followed by Windham election officials.


Watch: The “Windham Incident” Auditor’s Spin Feeds the “Ballot Fold” Narrative

Harri Hursti, one of the auditors of Windham’s November, 2020 general election is spinning a narrative that the largest discrepancy in NH elections is an isolated issue to Windham.  But is it really? Hursti’s statement is contrary to what he said on Friday, when he made a statement that they can’t jump to conclusions before … Read more

[Update] Absentee Ballots Folding on the Bubbles Again – More Shadow Votes in Another NH Election?

If you’re unfamiliar with the Windham election debacles of 2020 (and 2022), you can search this site for the Windham election or follow this link and jump to 5 hours and 7 minutes. The Granite State has election integrity issues documented by the AG that have yet to be resolved, and one of them is … Read more

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The Windham Complaint – September 13, 2022 Primary Election

COMPLAINT SENT VIA EMAIL ONLY – –  December 21, 2022 – Dear Attorney General Formella,

Exeter – “Transparent” ballots?

Yikes – I was using a similar marker this morning: —– Original Message —— From: <redacted> To: “” <> Sent: 11/8/2022 11:09:16 AM Subject: Ballot bleed through – Exeter Good morning Skip and Team, Thank you all for always supplying useful info. Voted this morning in Exeter @ (9:00) and found the sharpie supplied had bled … Read more

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The Windham Incident v3 – Miscounts, Mistakes, and Dems with “More Votes” Than Voters!

The original Windham Incident was the inconsistency of the voting machines in Windham two years ago and that made national news. Version 2.0 was Ken Eyring finding that, AGAIN, absentee ballots were folded across the ovals again (for this election cycle).  And now, there’s more than just more.

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Is It Time to Move from Voting Machines to Hand Counted Ballots

I got this yesterday and I have a feeling that there are a lot of other folks around the State of NH  harboring similar thoughts when it comes to counting ballots. Can’t say I blame them!

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Proposed Legislation for Ballot Counting in New Hampshire in the Wake of the 2020 Election

The assumption here in New Hampshire is that we will continue to use the AccuVote machines, at least for the next several years, and that the machines are not as good as people when it comes to counting votes.


The Windham Incident Audit Is Complete and Has Been Delivered to NH “Officials” [Update – Report Released]

The now infamous Windham Audit has concluded. A long process searching for why a hand recount produced 300 more votes for four Republican candidates and about 100 fewer votes for a Democrat.


Windham Incident is Now #FoldGate … Could Be #SununuGate?

Windham may have been the only town that really went to bat for Election integrity and got national attention, but we learned a few things. The Windham Incident was not the only New Hampshire oddity in the November Election.


Live Stream Windham Audit Update – “Here are my Concerns”

I attended the live-stream meeting with Bob Giuda and Harri Hursti, the tech guru and self-proclaimed hacker responsible for the “forensic” audit of the voting machines used in Windham.


Join the Windham Incident Livestream Audit Update Event

Right America Media is sponsoring a live stream event this weekend. The online “meeting” will include NH State Senator Bob Giuda, Harri Hursti, Philip Stark, and Mark Lindeman, discussing the Windham Incident Audit and (sort of) includes a Q & A.

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Public Officials Knew Ballot Folds Would Skew Results Months Prior To The Election …

In a stunning conclusion provided by the Windham Audit Team, it was determined that some machines were tricked by the creases in mail-in ballots to the detriment of Republican candidates. The creases resulted in overvotes that crushingly affected straight-ticket Republican ballots, in particular. We want to thank Sarah Ibanez for this Op-Ed. If you have … Read more

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Jovan Hutton Pulitzer – 28% of the Ballots Were not Counted?! – Fraud or Failure?

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer featured the Windham election and audit in a recent episode of his podcast. It’s not a lot of new information for our readers, but you’ll want to listen because what is new might amaze you.

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Are Folded Ballots a Problem for the AccuVote Machines?

It may be that the AccuVote machines can sometimes mistake a fold in a ballot as a bonafide vote for the candidate whose name, and the associated oval, happens to be on a fold on that ballot.

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One Thing You Can’t Count On: Your NH Vote Being Counted

For a long time now, the political leaders in this country have been trying to create a paradigm shift by removing the power from the people to make decisions and placing it nearly exclusively into their own hands. These are abuses of power that have for too long gone unchallenged by an apathetic and resigned … Read more

NH Constitution

Election Laws Have Been Changed without Our Consent

What is the role of the Supreme Court at the state or federal level? The U.S. Supreme Court’s official website says, “First, as the highest court in the land (or state), it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an important role … Read more

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It’s Almost Town Meeting Time in NH – And Petition Warrant Article Machinations Have Already Begun

Here in New Hampshire, we have the old style town meetings where everyone in a town gets together to hammer the final budgets for the town and schools spending. There’s generally a bunch “warrants” (or articles or questions) about all kinds of sundry things like appropriating money for new equipment like police or fire vehicles, … Read more

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Voters in Greenland Overwhelmingly Choose AccuVote Machines over Hand-Counting

Yesterday, voters in the tiny town of Greenland, New Hampshire, had an opportunity to vote for change. The ballot measure was to move from AccuVote machine counted elections to hand-counting ballots.

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Let’s Ditch the Voting Machines

The audit into the irregularities that occurred last year in the Windham November 3rd election is over.  Although the official audit report isn’t expected for over a month, we do know the preliminary conclusion of the team of auditors.