Tank war

Did Shawn Jasper Change His Name To Mike Rogers?

Who is Mike Rogers? Well, he is supposedly a “conservative” Republican representing Alabama. In reality, he represents the globalist-warmonger/military-industrial complex … which he is uniquely positioned to do as “Chair” of the Armed Services Committee.

Who Will Replace Shawn Jasper as Speaker of the New Hampshire House?

Yesterday, news broke that New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu was doing us all a huge favor by offering Speaker Shawn Jasper a job as the Agriculture Commissioner. This would mean Jasper is stepping down from his Statehouse seat and relinquishing the Speaker’s chair. I think Jasper will take up the Governor up on his offer. So who … Read more

Statistics he NH legislature re: Shawn Jasper & his crew of so-called leadership

Why do you suppose these statistics are true? Rank and File Republicans: When a committee recommendation and the House Republican Alliance (HRA) recommendation differed, the rank and file (non leadership) Republicans followed the HRA on 87% of the votes. When the committee and the NH Liberty Alliance (NHLA) differed, rank and file (non leadership) Republicans … Read more

NH House Speaker Shawn Jasper burnishes his reputation as a…

…petty, little, nitwit with grandiose self-assuredness of his ability to blunder about.  A STERLING example of absolute power (in his case, in very small ways) over those that have no power at all – the definition of a tyrant.  Seriously, Jasper, the height of blatant “Retribution – I shall do it….because I can“!  And against someone … Read more

Former State Rep has WARNING for the House about Shawn Jasper as Speaker

Dan Tamburello, former New Hampshire State Representative, has some words of wisdom and warning to the incoming house Republicans about electing Shawn Jasper as their speaker. Honorable Members of the General Court, I am writing to you today to illuminate to you the critical importance of your vote for the Speaker of the New Hampshire … Read more

So Ersatz Republicans Shawn Jasper and Dick Hinch want to change the NH GOP Platform?

And in the process, run the NH GOP FASTER towards that gorge named Democrat-Lite? A few thoughts on Steve’s post: Will it make any difference?  The NH GOP Leadership, both in the Party and elected politicians, don’t pay much attention to the Platform as it is.  Listen to their words, watch their actions – how … Read more

NH Democrats For Shawn Jasper

New Hampshire Democrat’s Democrat Renny Cushing is concerned for (Democrat elected) Republican House Speaker Shawn Jasper, and (believe it or not) the integrity of our elections because of how he is being treated during the primary.

Are Dick Hinch and Shawn Jasper Choosing Sides In Republican House Primary Races?

I wonder how the “other” incumbent New Hampshire House Reps. from Merrimack feel about this? Dick Hinch, a member of the Merrimack Republican delegation, and House Speaker Shawn Jasper filed an independent expenditure report with the Secretary of State (for the Committee to Elect House Republicans) listing the names of only eight of the thirteen … Read more

Chris Sununu Donated $500.00 to Democrat Elected Speaker Shawn Jasper

One of Chris Sununu’s “investments” in New Hampshire’s future was a $500.00 donation to Democrat Elected New Hampshire House Speaker Shawn Jasper. Yes. The ‘Republican’ who caucused with Democrats to rob the Republican caucus of the Speakers chair and then proceeded to repay NH Democrats for the favor. That Shawn Jasper. Chris Sununu gave $500.00 … Read more

Republican House Speaker Shawn Jasper Endorsed By the SEIU

When you do the bidding of the Union Bosses they reward you. Hillary Clinton, Maggie Hassan, Carol Shea-Porter, Ann Kuster, Colin Van Ostern, Shawn Jasper. Republican NH House Speaker Shawn Jasper? Yup!    

A Question for Democrat appointed NH Speaker of the House, Shawn Jasper. And NH Rep Joe “NitWit” LaChance

He was quoted on WMUR’s NewsNine on a piece on Medicaid Expansion and the money it will cost: “It makes no sense to me to have us send our money back to Washington”. I do wonder what that was bracketed by, as the quote WMUR settled for seems to be both disjointed and unfinished.  I … Read more

Democrat appointed Speaker of the NH House Shawn Jasper (R) – threatening Free Speech in the House?

Once again with Spring, the little birdies start tweeting again – even if Spring is measuring 11 degrees outside and this is pretty good one.  So, one would think that the NH House Speaker Shawn Jasper (Democrat appointed, if you don’t already know) would be a fine upstanding supporter of Free Speech.  After all, not … Read more

Democrat appointed Speaker of the NH House Shawn Jasper (R) – In favor of raising the Gas Tax?

I have said for years that the primary reason why the NH Highway Fund is in such a stupid financial position is that Politicians refuse to do the right thing – let that fund do what it is supposed to fund and stop raiding it.  And, instead of constantly using taxpayers to pay for the … Read more

Why Wouldn’t Shawn Jasper Want Any Witnesses?

From “The Desk” of Rep Max Abramson (re: Democrat Elected Speaker Shawn Jasper) After responding to your office’s request for meeting, I was disappointed that you would not meet with me to discuss the issue of committee assignments with a witness present, either Representative Baldasaro or House Leader William O’Brien… I was strongly cautioned by … Read more

Shawn Jasper – “Unfortunately, There Are Those Looking To Distort and Distend The Story…”

Republican Rep Al Baldasaro has a bad hip, and speaks at the well often, so he always requests an aisle seat on the House Floor so he can get to the podium to speak with less discomfort to himself or to others;  Democrat elected House Speaker Shawn Jasper assigned him a seat in the middle … Read more

So Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper wins at Scrabble?

Sent in from a NH House Rep about Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper  

WMUR CloseUp – Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper

Thoughts on Democrat appointed Speaker Jasper on CloseUp this morning: Overall, he seemed to be, right from the start, to have Bill O’Brien under his skin and the majority of Republicans that didn’t vote for him (and lest you have forgotten, it was the Democrats that appointed him Speaker).  Not a single word about the … Read more

Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper ‘s email – SPAMMING?

Too funny.  Upon receiving an email from Democrat appointed Shawn Jasper, Thunderbird (an email program from Mozilla) didn’t much care for it: TOO FUNNY!  Nice to know that even he shows that the Republican majority is getting under his skin with their recalcitrance to his “I AM SPEAKER” schtick and that it is really annoying … Read more

Representative of Shawn Jasper’s financial accumen?

A lot of the LSRs are now viewable here; these are the placeholders for NH bills that our lawmakers in the NH House and Senate wish to bring forward and enact into law.  One of them was put in by Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper: 2015-H-0019-R     allowing municipalities to borrow funds from any fund controlled by … Read more

Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper has a lesson to learn in group dynamics

A curious reaction from him in the Concord Monitor on how he will “deal” and “unify” with dissenters within the Republican caucus – he’ll just order them around: On Tuesday, Republican House members will meet in a caucus to elect a state party committee member, who would in turn lead the body’s Republican majority, said … Read more