Nashua edu blocks GraniteGrok

‘Grok RSA 91:A Demand: Nashua School District Superintendent Jahmal Mosley? Ball’s back in your court

And with his non-answer answer, our RSA 91:A demands are acting like rabbits. And now, other people are starting to report in on “strange” behavior while using the Nashua School District (“NSD”) network.  In effect, Dr. Mosley and the Nashua Board of Education have decided to invoke the Streisand Effect upon themselves.  So folks, go … Read more

Nashua edu blocks GraniteGrok

Nashua School District Superintendent Jahmal Mosley responds to our RSA 91:A demand. Poorly

Steve’s post said it all: “Why block us? There has to be a reason”.  So I sent a formal RSA 91:A demand to both the Nashua Board of Education and to the Superintendent of the Nashua School District to find out.  After all, why us and no other NH media site? And it seems that I … Read more

Nashua Board of Education Letterhead

Formal Rebuttal to Heather Raymond, Dr. Jahmal Mosely, and Unknown Co-Conspirators on the Nashua BOE

News Release: Immediate

Jahmal Mosley - Image Nashua Telegraph

Open letter to the Nashua School Community

When Superintendent Jahmal Mosley pursued a position outside of the district without giving the Nashua Board of Education prior notice, he demonstrated a lack of commitment, not only to complete his contract but to the City that welcomed him with open arms. Jahmal Mosley was given a great opportunity when Nashua hired him to lead … Read more

Bullying Discussion Derailed by Nashua Board of Education

If you ask parents, bullying is a growing problem in Nashua schools that continues to be swept under the rug by the School Board. There will be no discussion of bullying at the upcoming Policy Committee meeting, despite promises to address it at that meeting.

Heather Raymond

“Productive” Board of Education Meetings in Nashua: No Data, No Discussion, No Debate

Last night the Nashua Board of Education held its first meeting of the year. Despite welcoming five new Board members, the Board was able to quickly approve an additional budget item of $693,568 for K-5 reading materials. As we all know, reading is an important life skill.

nashua city hall

Nashua: Rigged Elections and Taxpayer Funded Electioneering

Promoted from the Nashua Microgrok: Does this email, sent by a teachers union representative to district staff using school district electronic mailboxes, sound like electioneering to you?

nashua city hall

Nashua: Rigged Elections and Taxpayer Funded Electioneering

Does this email, sent by a teachers union representative to district staff using school district electronic mailboxes, sound like electioneering to you? “You sent around the election stuff on Friday. But some people were missing. Could you check if it was just an oversight? If you don’t have those names, I will check the status with … Read more

free speech - speech suppression

Why Do Nashua Democrats Keep Trying to Intimidate and Silence Their Constituents?

Nashua has a problem. It is swirling the bowl, to the left, in a predictable downward turn. A Nashua Rep. wants to label online engagement with public officials as harassment. There is a  move to constrain requests for public documents under the state’s right to know law. Even the School District is into suppressing speech.

Nashua edu blocks GraniteGrok

Nashua School District – no, unblocking is NOT the end of the story.

After all, there are outstanding RSA 91:A demands directed to both the Nashua School District Superintendent Dr. Mosley and the Nashua Board of Education.  The ban may have been lifted but the demands are not made moot by this action.  So, once again, we make it clear and make sure they know that the RSA … Read more

Nashua edu blocks GraniteGrok

Nashua School District Blocks Grok: Flippantly Refuses 91-A About Its Action

The issue: After unflattering reporting on Granite Grok the Nashua school district’s IT system has blocked access to the site. The district was sent a Chapter 91-A, access to public records and meetings request for information about the action taken. The superintendent, Dr. Jahmal Mosley, responded with a flippant thumbing of the nose. The reason, … Read more

Nashua High north

Op-Ed : Shame on the Nashua School Board – Changes Are Needed

by Kevin Scully | Liberals love to talk about a world where there is no bullying, but the progressives on the Nashua Board of Education appear to disagree. What else would you call Heather Raymond’s bullying action against Doris Hohensee, a sitting school board member who has done no wrong? Board President Raymond issued a … Read more

NH Union Leader

So where are the vaunted Union Leader “Editors” in the Hohensee smear? Or are they in on it?

So in all this, Kimberly Houghton who is the Union Leader reporter that wrote about this “Rich Girard smear-a-like political stunt” (the Conservative Manchester School Board member earlier accused of “identifying” a student even as GraniteGrok outed her as having outed herself on Manchester Ink in a public Op-Ed)  against Nashua School Board Doris Hohensee. … Read more

Nashua High north

Nashua Educrats Launch a Political Hit on BOE Member Doris Hohensee

Nashua School Superintendent Jahmal Mosley and Nashua Board of Education President Heather Raymond (and even the Nashua Teachers Union) are calling for the resignation of Board of Education member Doris Hohensee. Why?

Student Savagely Assaulted at Nashua Middle School – District Upset Someone Recorded It

Yesterday a distraught father posted a video of an assault upon his daughter at Fairgrounds Middle School in Nashua, New Hampshire. The girl is attacked from behind and beaten before a staff member intervenes. Wait until you hear how the District responded.

Heather Raymond

Board President Raymond and the Nashua School Board May Now Be In Violation of Federal Law

Without a meeting or a quorum, some portion of the Nashua School Board produced an official public action released by Board President Heather Raymond ‘As the Board‘ against a fellow member. This violated board policy, state law, and now – since the same board refuses to allow the accused equity, federal law.

Dark room open door

Nashua School District Unblocks GraniteGrok But is That the End of the Story?

If you have not been following the story, the Nashua School District blocked GraniteGrok. We reported it and challenged them on it. Repeatedly. And then some. And suddenly, we are unblocked. So, what’s my first question?