Statistics Archives - Granite Grok


Vital Stats

Steve recently published an article suggesting that the vaccines are killing an extraordinary number of pilots.  It was based on the most recent obituary page in the Airline Pilot Association’s magazine.

Hate crimes by race

The Truth Hurts and Spoils the Critical Race Theory Narrative

The problem isn’t the number of guns in the US (estimated now at around 400 million) but the culture of those that have them. Culture counts and a culture that doesn’t value life has chart results like this. If you need any more proof, look at the stats in Chicago after almost every weekend.

Statistical Horror Story

Statistical Horror Story

The pandemic from hell erupted as a panic of politicians. It is now a comedy of Mash-minded med admins and stooges with microphones. They are covering their ifs, ands, and butts. There’s no question about their use of ever more morbid and distorted statistics.