Merrimack County Republican Committee Archives - Granite Grok

Merrimack County Republican Committee

An NH GOP State Committee Member, computer bag, and tripod walk into a Merrimack County Repub meeting……Part 2

….and voted off the island at The Draft tonite. So tonite was the Merrimack County Republican Committee meeting and given what happened Monday night, I wanted to report on what people would be talking about, so I drove down (spent a while trying to find a parking spot) Sidenote; Andy and Laurie, you gotta get …

An NH GOP State Committee Member, computer bag, and tripod walk into a Merrimack County Repub meeting……Part 2 Read More »


Well, not actually ‘without leave’, but absent from GG…am working on two pieces – “Granite State Futures” and IRS 990 tax-exempt returns…and heading to the Merrimack County Republican Committee meeting tonight carrying a letter of “no confidence’ from my local committee.  The three are not necessarily connected.