Iraq Archives - Granite Grok


Tank war

1991 Desert Storm Lessons for Israel in 2023

In late February of 1991, my reserve infantry battalion invaded Kuwait as part of a 1st Marine Division task force during Operation Desert Storm. Our mission was to liberate that country from the clutches of Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi army.

Ilhan Omar laughing

Ilhan Omar Giggles During Report on US Deaths in the Middle East

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar has attracted controversy throughout her short career in DC. Ties to terrorist funding organizations. Antisemitism. Allahu Ackbar! Campaign finance issues. Some people did something. An affair with a married white devil. Endorsing old white Bernie Sanders. And now this.

Iran rockets

Iran Launches Missles at Targets in Iraq

That didn’t take long. “From senior US military source in Iraq: “Under missile attack from Iran. These are either cruise missiles or short-range ballistic missiles. All over the country.”