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You aren't going to leave me alone are you?

We Hire Presidents to Defend Constitutional Values

I thought the term Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) was just a tongue-in-cheek way of referring to those who didn’t support President Trump. You know, it’s not really a clinical diagnosis, just a joke. Looking at the so-called news and the recent flurry of letters in the Sun, I’m not so sure anymore.

Wouldn't it be Wonderful

Are you going to work for free to pay for all of this?

According to “Main Stream Media,” President Trump is corrupt and evil, if so where is the evidence of that? Look, there have been numerous charges leveled at him. And any number of non-official and at least four official investigations.

Wouldn't it be Wonderful

Wouldn’t it be Wonderful?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find a cure for all things that ail us? Perhaps we could make the cure from divine fruit. What do you think? Should the cure be fair to the eye? Would it be inviting to the palate? Would it grant us the virtue of wisdom?

Biff Burt is onto something

Some of you have seen ads like the one above, for presidential candidate Biff Burt.  In this one, he promises free ammunition to all Americans if they elect him president.  In a different ad, he promises to give away money.


Suddenly, it’s everywhere.  Lately I’ve even heard even libertarians suggesting that it might be a good idea to provide a Universal Basic Income (UBI) to replace the buffet of specific welfare programs that are now available to people who can’t afford things like housing (Section 8), heat (LIHEAP), medical care (Medicaid), food (SNAP), and so …

Ubitopia Read More »

Free For Me But Not For Thee

In reporting on New Hampshire House Bill HB 514 –An Act relating to giving legislators a free ride–WMUR reports that it a) came out of committee with instructions to kill it (this is good) but b) that supporters of the bill claim that Members skiing for free at Canon Mountain–the Bill’s real purpose–doesn’t add costs …

Free For Me But Not For Thee Read More »