children Archives - Granite Grok


Warning to Moms – Part 2

Erin Friday lives in California and has written checks to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood in accordance with her dutiful liberal worldview.  She is also the mother of a seven-year-old daughter who she witnessed get sucked into the orbit of the new gender ideology movement.

Sorry Joe, Guns are Not the Leading Cause of Death among Children

One of the pillars of the Democrat party is ending the lives of children: abortion, mutilation, and pharmacological transitions, which lead to more suicides. I don’t think Democrats like kids unless, by that, you mean standing on their bodies or their graves to accumulate campaign wealth and political power.

Girls flag

Time To Teach our Children To Love This Country

We are suffering a lack of love for this country that most of us recognize as the greatest on earth. We tend to emphasize the ills of America because most people look for the tragic headlines and gloss over the stories of good and hope.

We’re Not Banning Books We Are Protecting Our Kids

If nothing else, leftist propaganda can be fiendishly clever. Using selected facts and distorting them to suit their needs, those on the left are working hard to brand loving and courageous parents as radical enemies of free speech. Their disgusting claim that parents, and conservatives in general, are out to ban books is a transparent …

We’re Not Banning Books We Are Protecting Our Kids Read More »

little girl

GUN CONTROL LIES & PROPAGANDA: ‘Firearms are the Leading Cause of Death in Children’ 

The gun control crowd has been spreading absolute propaganda that firearms are the leading cause of death in children. Of course, gun control propaganda comes as no surprise to anyone who fights for 2nd Amendment rights; however, these people are actually making the claim using information from the CDC (that government bureaucracy is a whole …

GUN CONTROL LIES & PROPAGANDA: ‘Firearms are the Leading Cause of Death in Children’  Read More »