Boycott Archives - Granite Grok


Promoted From The Comments: Bud Forgot Who is REALLY In Charge

Recall Prof. Sowell’s truism about minimum wages, that “The Real Minimum Wage is Zero” is talking about the person who DOESN’T get the job because the Government has artificially screwed up the Marketplace by hiking the cost of doing business.

Russia Olympics Both Images care of pixaby

Russia, Boycotts, and Sports

So Chinese dictator Xi Jinping asked Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to hold off on invading Ukraine until after Beijing’s Winter Olympics. Putin generously postponed the bloodshed to accommodate his Communist buddy’s request.

COVID19 Vax Vial original Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

Boycott Carhartt

Employees cannot simply quit their jobs and go work elsewhere when they are subject to human rights abuses by their employers, despite what the Conservative, Inc. grifters would have you believe.

Fenway Park, Boston Red Sox

Boycott the Red Sox

This: MLB’s “values” … more specifically, allowing voting WITHOUT a photo ID … is OPPOSED by a whopping 74% of Georgians: In Georgia, support for voter ID is even higher, with 74% of voters supporting in a UGA/AJC poll for mandating voters to show a copy of their photo ID or other documentation to be …

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