Meme Overflow


As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the glorious mayhem, mockery, and ridicule continue!

*** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



For those with kids especially, this resonates:

Our American daughters must know, never ever leave the PRIMARY scene (in your car, apartment, on the street, anywhere…) as you will never be going home! If someone places a knife on you or gun, you (

Granted that my kids have spunk, but realistically they’re not going to fight off multiple people trying to grab them. But I’ve told them, repeatedly, that someone trying to grab them and pull them into a car, etc., is to be fought tooth and nail, even if they lose, because they’re taking you to the scene of the murder. And, possibly, other bad things before that.

And if they’re going to die, then at least die with the chance to stand in front of Him and say I FOUGHT to protect the gift of life You gave me.


It’s called PALLYWOOD / GAZAWOOD. If you’re interested this is an excellent Telegram channel on that:


And FYI, here’s a “grieving father” holding his son, who – watch closely – has an itch on his foot.

And maybe I’m projecting here, being biased (I admit it), but to me it seems like the guy is asking for a moment to regain his composure because he’s about to lose it and start laughing.

Isn’t it funny – in an “odd” not humorous way – how the Left had a white-hot hate of this man… until he became an ally against Orange Man? Now there’s that strange new respect for Darth Cheney.

Doubtless shrieks of FAIR SHARE will emerge. My take on that here.

I know I’ve referenced this before, but IIRC it was Eisenhower who said something to the effect that one should consider the power one seeks in the hands of one’s political opponents. But that requires thought, and honor.

And in that ONE MEME is – IMHO – absolute proof the SS (!) is in on the plot to get Trump. There simply is no other believable explanation.

Good questions. And, of course, no answers forthcoming.



Sweden: A group of Arab and Afghan immigrants forced a Swedish boy to behave like a dog and then raped him with a stick The gruesome video shows the Muslim immigrants laughing and calling the teenager a “Swedish whore” as they raped him.

Coming sooner than you think to America.


Remember, in the last just-about-year since Oct. 7, Hezbollah has launched over 8,500 rockets and missiles at Israel. Tell me, please, what other nation would tolerate this or be expected to?

And fatherhood.

I still recall the day I saw the first ultrasound.

On the speaker was the heartbeat. The tech got the image slice positioned just right and we could both see a few grains of static jumping in time with the sound coming from the speaker. And my first thought aside from joy was the understanding that, as a father, was now charged with the most sacred duty ever: to be a provider for, and protector and teacher of, this little one. Now a teenager, Hashem help me.

Because, increasingly, we’re understanding that “Big Medicine” cares only about profit, not their original mission of helping people. And that the Covid crisis has shown to many – including myself – that our trust in doctors and government agencies has been greatly misplaced. Related to governments lying:

No difference… no difference at all.



Exclusive | Diddy ‘as bad as Epstein,’ says officer who raided Miami mansion (

MHO is that it’s not just celebrities. Politicans. Key people in critical industries.

As I wrote before, I recall reading an article – on the internet so it must be true – to the effect that to rise above a certain level in the banking industry requires attendance at certain parties… where one is either compelled to partake in <censored> activities, which are filmed for kompromat, or – if participation is refused once it’s known – people get the naked fist of “Nice family you have there… be a shame if something happened to them”. With pictures of said family and an overlaid crosshairs, no doubt, to make the threat more real.

As my Jarhead friend once observed, probably at least a year ago, this is becoming an increasingly probable scenario and explanation for why so many in high places go along.


Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):

Linkfest coming.


Don’t forget, that’s the plan. Cloward Piven.

Time and time and time again, over years and even decades, they’ve openly said what their goal is.

Time to take them at their word.


Other meme posters (being here does not mean I agree with every meme there):

Barnhardt Meme Barrage, 23 September ARSH 2024 | —– Meme posts curated by Ann Barnhardt


Pick of the Post:

Female, melanin, or just TDS.

Remember this essay of mine from a few years ago?

And this one, highlighting Bill Whittle’s incredible speech?

Hard times. Just about here.


Palate cleansers:

It’s staggering to me why someone would actually want a “smart” appliance. The people who I know have them cite The Convenience.

It was a few years ago so I don’t recall where I learned it, but excitement and fear elicit essentially the same physiological responses. So switch from I’m afraid to… to I’m excited to… .


Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.


Whitewash Islamism



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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