Night Cap: Did The EU Just Make the Net-Zero Transition Illegal?

Steve MacDonald

The European Union’s (EU) cabal of meddling ministers has passed a resolutionrequiring firms and their upstream and downstream partners, including supply, production and distribution, to prevent, end or mitigate their adverse impact on human rights and the environment.”

“Today’s vote is a milestone for responsible business conduct and a considerable step towards ending the exploitation of people and the planet by cowboy companies. This law is a hard-fought compromise and the result of many years of tough negotiations. I am proud of what we have achieved with our progressive allies. In Parliament’s next mandate, we will fight not only for its swift implementation, but also for making Europe’s economy even more sustainable.”

The goal, at least the intention of these pointy-headed climate zombies, is to use the law to force private businesses to execute their climate doctrine. If you are not a responsible planetary partner, you’ll get fined. Ribbons of shame! But did anyone stop to think how all that supposed-planet-saving stuff meant to replace the irresponsible bits gets made? Most of it comes from China, the world’s leading emitter, polluter, and human rights violator.

If you want wind or solar power, getting it built without Chinese involvement in some portion of the procurement or fabrication process is difficult and expensive. Many rare earth metal mines operate with few or no environmental controls, polluting the people and their “indigenous” lands to a degree that makes them toxic and uninhabitable. You can’t grow healthy crops, and local water supplies are poisoned.

This also applies to the companies with which EU companies do business and to companies outside the EU that do business in the EU.

These firms will have to integrate due diligence into their policies, make related investments, seek contractual assurances from their partners, improve their business plan or provide support to small and medium-sized business partners to ensure they comply with new obligations. Companies will also have to adopt a transition plan to make their business model compatible with the Paris Agreement global warming limit of 1.5°C.

You will do homage to a false god whose world-ending mythology is a lie by admitting to an original sin that isn’t the cause and whose mitigation is not the cure. Failing to do so will result in mandatory tithing and a stern talking-to while making the other goals of the same EU ministers impossible to achieve.

I can only assume that somewhere in the fine print, we will find papal-like dispensations for violations as long as they advance the approved Net-Zero initiatives. Either that or this is just a scheme to bilk every business in the world with a pinky toe of traction among EU nations—more climate money laundering.

It’s stupid, is what it is.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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