"If you wouldn't be swayed by a 17-year-old's passionate advocacy for a lower drinking age" - Granite Grok

“If you wouldn’t be swayed by a 17-year-old’s passionate advocacy for a lower drinking age”

The political views of young people

A little more perspective on the political “wisdom” of yutes.

…[E]ven if students really were disproportionately likely to be victims of gun violence, that would not be a good reason to give special credence to their policy views. Personally experiencing a horrific event or being at disproportionate risk of suffering one, doesn’t necessarily give you special insight into how to prevent such tragedies from occurring.

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“That is not to say that gun-control advocacy is stupid. But if you wouldn’t be swayed by a 17-year-old’s passionate advocacy for a lower drinking age — or for that matter, their ideas about Federal Reserve policy — then you should probably apply those same cautions to their other views….”

I love my children, but I’m not sure I’d let them plan dinner let alone decide whether a government that promises them things in exchange for their obedience should be permitted to limit my speech or my right to self-defense.

I’m reasonably confident that a majority of mine would get it right, but most “kids” including college “kids” are under-prepared and ill-advised on matters of politics.

In fact, we’ve got entire political parties, the Democrats, whose mission in life is to put the rights of our would-be rulers ahead of our natural rights. People who just happen to control the education-industrial complex.

Collusion and meddling I tell you!

So pardon me if I’m disinclined to be moved politically by greenhorns or survivors.

Liberty should never hang on the immediate emotional response to a tragedy, which I realize invalidates almost everything Democrats do, but then that’s precisely the point of our Constitution. To slow things down. To prevents human nature from subjugating the masses to the will of greedy legislators looking to advance policy in the wake of grief or fancy.

As for schools, when those kids start paying for them, we can talk about their thoughts on school-ground policy. Until then, go ahead and practice your right to free speech. Once you’ve got a bit more experience, I think you’ll find you are going to need it.

