Quick Thought - eh, what is Chuckie Schumer saying without his head exploding at the podium? - Granite Grok

Quick Thought – eh, what is Chuckie Schumer saying without his head exploding at the podium?

im-confused(Reformatted, emphasis mine):

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) rose on the Senate floor on Tuesday and gave a speech admonishing Republicans in Congress for not acting on what he presented as their constitutional duty to stand up to the president. “A congressional party that is wholly subservient to the political interests of the president is failing fundamentally to fulfill its constitutional obligation,” Schumer said. “Congress is supposed to be a separate, equal branch of government,” he said.

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“Read the Constitution. Read the Federalist Papers,” Schumer said. “One of the main purposes of Congress was to check the power of the executive branch,” he said. “Our Founding Fathers feared an overreaching executive branch, as I know my friend from Nebraska knows, because he cites these things. That responsibility doesn’t fall only on one party. It falls on all of us.”

Wait, wait – I don’t get it.  What have they done with the real Chuckie???  I NEVER heard that from his mouth during the Obama years – you?  My question to Chuckie, then, is when are you going to repeal the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 in which the Congress GAVE its power over to Executive Branch?

(H/T: CNSNews)
