Now the Bishop Wants Your Guns - Granite Grok

Now the Bishop Wants Your Guns

Manchester Bishop wants your gunsBy Jim Kofalt

Several days ago we reported on Bishop Peter Labasci’s appeal for Catholics to call Congress to ask for amnesty for illegal aliens and the continuation of chain migration policies (because it’s your duty as a Christian, he says).

Now the Diocese of Manchester is joining the call for gun control:

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“a federal ban on assault weapons, limitations on civilian access to high-capacity weapons and ammunition magazines, further criminalizing gun trafficking, certain limitations on the purchase of handguns, and safety measures such as locks that prevent children and anyone other than the owner from using guns without permission.”

Someone at the Diocese of Manchester posted an item to Facebook yesterday, with a link to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ most recent rant against guns:  We suspect that the “someone” in question might be Meredith Cook, the Director of Public Policy at the Diocese of Manchester.

Once again, we invite you to call Bishop Labasci to ask him why he opposes the 2nd Amendment. You can reach the Diocese of Manchester at (603) 669-3100.  If you can’t reach the Bishop directly, you might want to try reaching Meredith Cook at (603) 663-0148 (or e-mail her
