What's worse: kids spouting Progressive gun control talking points and eat Tide Pods - or the adults saying "listen to them - they're smarter than us!" ? - Granite Grok

What’s worse: kids spouting Progressive gun control talking points and eat Tide Pods – or the adults saying “listen to them – they’re smarter than us!” ?


When I hear  adults are slobbering all over themselves by saying “listen to the kids – they know more than we do about guns” (re: Florida high school shooting), I just shake my head.  Sure, kids can be right at times, but there is a reason why they are “kids” and we’re adults.  Except those adults – they may well be stupider than the kids as it turns out they were Progressive SJWs and Democrat operatives trying to not let a crisis go to waste.

And no, given that the Educational-Industrial complex has put “feelings” above critical thinking skill (and swings Left itself) and the kids are eating stuff like Tide pods, WHY the heck should we be listening to the whole bunch of them?

(H/T: Powerline)
