Protect Schools or You're Choosing to Let Children be Killed - Granite Grok

Protect Schools or You’re Choosing to Let Children be Killed

After horrible shootings like at Parkland, it’s understandable that people might cast about thoughtlessly blaming people and demanding quick “solutions”.  Unfortunately leftist solutions so loudly and immediately promoted as “common sense” gun controls wouldn’t have prevented or stopped these attacks, and leftists fight against the obvious solution that could defeat such attacks.

The people like the NRA, Constitutionalists, lawful gun-owners, and others who fight for effective, rather than seductively sounding but totally ineffective, solutions are not to blame for these events.  Nor is the gun to blame.

People intent on killing can always find a way.  It’s easier to get a gun illegally than to buy one from a legal gun dealer.  If you stopped all gun sales and removed all guns from law-abiding gun owners, there would still be millions of guns available on the black market and an unending supply from over our open borders.

Since evil people can always get guns, we must prevent their evil actions from succeeding.

Public Schools are “Gun Free Zones”; they’re magnets for people seeking fame or retribution by slaughtering numerous unprotected children and others.  We protect banks, politicians, celebrities, public gatherings, etc.; we must protect our schools with trained, armed police, security guards, and/or school staff, we could start TODAY.

School “Gun Free Zone” signs should be replaced with signs saying something like, “Children and Employees are protected with LETHAL Force”.  Knowing that schools are defended would deter some attacks.

Another deterrent would be to deny these killers the fame they crave.  We should consider never identifying these killers and never publicizing the event.

Although these school shootings are horrible, most murders aren’t done in schools.  We must consider how our society influences good or bad behavior society wide, but that’s a big a topic for the future, and changing our culture will take time and never be fully successful.

Schools claim authority and responsibility to protect children by punishing them for bringing to school and taking aspirin or Midol and shaping their hands like guns, why aren’t they responsible for protecting children from real dangers?

We mustn’t waste more time considering politically driven “common sense” gun controls which wouldn’t stop any school carnage, it’s time to start protecting schoolchildren.

Every caring citizen, especially every parent, should demand that our schools and school boards provide or allow trained, armed protection in our schools.  Opposition demonstrates denial of reality and disregard for student and staff lives.  Protection could start today at little or no cost.
