Armed Florida High School Resource Officer Heard Shots - Waited Outside for 4 Minutes - Granite Grok

Armed Florida High School Resource Officer Heard Shots – Waited Outside for 4 Minutes

Scott Israel Broward County SherrifOne of the keystones of the gun-grabbers narrative is that you don’t need firearms because the state will protect you.  The government’ got your back. But every day new details surrounding the recent Florida shooting paint an ugly picture of incompetence and failure. Today we learn that the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had an armed resource officer outside who heard the shots.

A school campus cop heard the gunfire, rushed to the building but never went inside – instead waiting outside for another four agonizing minutes as Cruz continued the slaughter.

The FBI, the School District, Local Police, the Sheriff’s office, everyone and every policy the statists claim to exist to protect these kids failed.

Talk about making a case for concealed carry and the right to self-defense.

|Yahoo! News
